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Who we are

get to know about International Conference on Damage Mechanics

Following the pioneering work of L. M. Kachanov in 1958, the theory of damage mechanics has made significant progress and established itself capable of solving a wide range of engineering problems. Damage mechanics is now a clearly identified scientific discipline focused on studying the effects of various nano, micro and macro defects on the behaviour of materials, bridging the gap between the well-established fields of continuum inelastic deformations and the classical fracture mechanics with growing macroscopic cracks. The main objective of the conferences series, International Conference on Damage Mechanics (ICDM), is to bring together leading educators, researchers, scientists, engineers and other practitioners to discuss and exchange ideas on recent advances in the field of damage mechanics. On the foundation of the International Journal of Damage Mechanics (IJDM), this conference series aims to become the premier international forum on damage mechanics research dissemination.

The ICDM series, initially held every three years, was revised to be held every two years following the success of the earlier gatherings. ICDM1 took place in Belgrade, Serbia (June 25-27th, 2012), followed by ICDM2 in Troyes, France (July 8-11th, 2015), ICDM3 at Tongji University, Shanghai, China (July 4-6th, 2018) and ICDM4 at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA (May 15-18th, 2023). All four conferences attracted researchers and engineers from nearly 50 countries.

The Fifth International Conference on Damage Mechanics (ICDM5) will be held at National University of Singapore, Singapore on 16 Jul (Wed) - 18 Jul (Fri), 2025. This event will be a forum to present the newest findings and to depict the future development in damage and failure mechanics.

Our team

ICDM Board of Directors

Professor J. Woody Ju

University of California at Los Angeles, USA

A/Professor Leong Hien Poh

National University of Singapore, Singapore

Professor Jie Li

Tongji University, China

Professor K. Saanouni

University of Technology of Troyes, France

Professor D. M. Šumarac

University of Belgrade, Serbia

Professor Lizhi Sun

University of California, Irvine, USA

Boyd Professor George Z Voyiadjis

Louisiana State University, USA

Our Team

Local Organizing Committee

POH Leong Hien (Chair)

NUS CEE Department

Vincent TAN Beng Chye

NUS ME Department

Richard LIEW Jat Yuen

NUS CEE Department

PANG Sze Dai

NUS CEE Department

QIAN Xudong

NUS CEE Department

QUEK Ser Tong

NUS CEE Department

TAY Tong-Earn

NUS ME Department

Dr CUI Yue

NUS CEE Department

The following awards will be presented
during ICDM5

The ICDM Lifetime Achievement Award

“For distinguished lifetime research achievements and outstanding lifelong contributions to the field of damage mechanics”

Professor Alberto Carpinteri

Chang Jiang Chair Professor of Civil Engineering
Shantou University

Professor Jie Li

Chair Professor of Structural Engineering
Tongji University

The ICDM Young Researcher Award

“For promising scholarly career and excellent research contributions to the field of damage mechanics”

Dr. Qi Luo

Independent Project Investigator
Aarhus University

Humboldt Fellow
RWTH Aachen University

Past recipients of the prestigious ICDM Lifetime Achievement Award

  • Professor Zdeněk P. Bažant (Northwestern University, USA) during ICDM4 at Louisiana State University, USA.
  • Professor Jiann-Wen Woody Ju (UCLA, USA) & Professor Yilong Bai (Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) during ICDM3 at Tongji University, China.
  • Professor Jean-Louis Chaboche (ONERA, France) & Professor George Z. Voyiadjis (Louisiana State University) during ICDM2 at University of Technology of Troyes, France.

Past awardees of the Young Researcher Award

  • A/Professor Leong Hien Poh (National University of Singapore, Singapore) during ICDM4 at Louisiana State University, USA.

ICDM3 Shanghai, China, July 4-6th, 2018

ICDM 2 Troyes, France, July 8-11th, 2015

ICDM 1 Belgrade, Serbia, June 25-27th, 2012


Main Sponsors